

Last updated: 30.08.2023

This Privacy Policy explains what personal data is collected when you use our Protect 24/7 mobile application, website Protect 24/7.online and the services provided through them (together “App” or “Service”), how such personal data will be processed.

BY USING THE SERVICE, YOU PROMISE US THAT (I) YOU HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND AND AGREE TO THIS PRIVACY POLICY, AND (II) YOU ARE OVER 18 YEARS OF AGE (OR HAVE HAD YOUR PARENT OR GUARDIAN READ AND AGREE TO THIS PRIVACY POLICY FOR YOU). If you do not agree, or are unable to make this promise, you must not use the Service. In such case, you must (a) delete your account and contact us and request deletion of your data; (b) cancel any subscriptions using the functionality provided by Apple, any other app stores that may be available from time to time; and (c) delete the App from your devices.

In this Privacy Policy Outlimit Inc; registered address: 3524 Silverside RD STE 35D, Wilmington, Delaware, USA, 19810; registered number: 7555338 (“we”, “Company”, “us” and “our”) as the controller/business of personal data.

As the controller/business, Company has implemented numerous technical and organizational measures to ensure the most complete protection of personal data processed through this Website and Application.

This Privacy Policy also includes Notice at Collection provisions (in particular, Sections 2 (CATEGORIES OF PERSONAL DATA WE COLLECT), 3 (FOR WHAT PURPOSES WE PROCESS YOUR PERSONAL DATA), 4 (LEGAL MATTERS), of this Privacy Policy), required under California Consumer Privacy Act.


Except as specifically noted in this Privacy Policy, Protect 24/7 does not sell, exchange, transfer, or give personal data to any other company.


Data you give us. You provide us with information about yourself when you register for and/or use the Service, namely email address.

Data provided by third parties. When you use sign in with Apple to register an account in the App, we get personal data from your Apple ID. This data may include, in particular, your name and verified email address.

Data we collect automatically:
Data about how you found us. We collect data about your referring app or URL (that is, the app or place on the Web where you were when you tapped on our ad).
Device and Location data. We collect data from your mobile device. Examples of such data include: language settings, IP address, time zone, country and address, type and model of a device, device settings, operating system, Internet service provider, mobile carrier, hardware ID.Advertising IDs. We collect your Apple Identifier for Advertising (“IDFA”)
Contacts data. We may collect your contacts’ data while accessing the list of contacts via Apple consent request or. You may refuse to provide these data without any interruptions to the Service.

Third-party data. While using the Service, you may provide us with third-party personal data such as phone number, device and location data, contacts data, any personal data that can be indicated in text messages, SMS. You hereby authorize us to serve as a data processor to process these third-party personal data on your behalf. Please see Section DATA PROCESSING ON YOUR BEHALF: WE AS A DATA PROCESSOR for the details.

Cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on a user's computer for record-keeping purposes. Cookies can be either session cookies or persistent cookies. A session cookie expires when you close your browser and is used to make it easier for you to navigate our Service. A persistent cookie remains on your hard drive for an extended period of time. We also use tracking pixels that set cookies to assist with delivering online advertising. Cookies are used, in particular, to automatically recognize you the next time you visit our website. As a result, the information, which you have earlier entered in certain fields on the website may automatically appear the next time when you use our Service. Cookie data will be stored on your device and most of the times only for a limited time period.

Apple App Store. Your personal data is collected and processed by this store according to its terms and privacy policy.

Payments. If the purchase is made via Apple App Store, this store collects certain payment data which is processed according to its terms and privacy policy. If the purchase is made via our Website, you also have to fill the payment Information, which should contain your personal data, which is partly processed by us and processed by the payment providers.

The personal data are not transferred to third parties, except events, when it’s necessary with an aim to provide Protect 24/7 and/or there is a lawful obligation to transfer these data under request of government authorities and/or the transferring is executed in respect of criminal proceedings.

The personal data is stored separately in our database to avoid data subject identification by using depersonalization features in compliance with data privacy laws storage limitation principle.

In some cases, we may collect your phone numbers to be able to properly issue you a refund. Our customer support specialists may request your phone number via live chat or email. We have the right to verify the provided phone number by calling you or sending an SMS. We can also call or send you an SMS with a notification that your refund was confirmed and will be processed shortly.

We will also communicate with you in response to your inquiries, regarding any information or services you request.

As you use our Protect 24/7 Services, you may import into your account information you have collected from target devices. All this information is stored in encrypted way on Protect 24/7 servers with using of the last encryption and protection technologies and standards. Downloaded information by a user to its device or browser is not encrypted and user is solely responsible for securing it. We have no direct relationship with any person other than you, except cases when you are the target device user, and for that reason, you are responsible for making sure you have the legal access to a target device.

Target devices users ARE NOT defined as data subjects, because these individuals cannot be identified or are identifiable natural persons based on information, which may be collected or collects from target devices in encrypted form.


We process your personal data:

To provide our Service. This includes enabling you to use the Service in a seamless manner and preventing or addressing Service errors or technical issues. To host personal data and enable our App to operate and be distributed we use servers in Germany and Netherlands. Personal data, which are provided by users may be stored outside the EU. In some cases, these personal data and information may be stored in Canada. We adopted all necessary security measures for protection of your Personal Data according to the best practices of security, protection and confidentiality. If we transfer your Personal data to third party service providers, we will compel each third party service provider to adopt necessary security measures for protection of your Personal Data according to our data protection agreement.

To manage your account and provide you with customer support. We process your personal data to respond to your requests for technical support, Service information or to any other communication you initiate. This includes accessing your account to address technical support requests. For this purpose, we may send you, for example, notifications or emails about the performance of our Service, security, notices regarding our Terms of Use or this Privacy Policy.

To communicate with you regarding your use of our Service. We communicate with you, for example, by push notifications. These may include emails. To opt out of receiving push notifications, you need to change the settings on your device. To opt out of receiving emails, you need to reply to the email – opt out, we will stop sending emails.
To research and analyze your use of the Service. This helps us to better understand our business, analyze our operations, maintain, improve, innovate, plan, design, and develop the Service and our new products. We also use data for statistical analysis purposes, to test and improve our offers.

We do not authorize the use of your personal data by any third party (only under exceptional conditions as described under "Legal Matters" below). We operate and maintain a variety of online security measures to safeguard and keep your personal information private and secured.


We share information with third parties that help us operate, provide, improve, integrate, customize, support, and market our Service. We may share some sets of personal data, in particular, for purposes indicated in FOR WHAT PURPOSES WE PROCESS YOUR PERSONAL DATA of this Privacy Policy. The types of third parties we share information with include, in particular:
Service providers. We share personal data with third parties that we hire to provide services or perform business functions on our behalf, based on our instructions. We share your personal information with the following types of service providers:
Cloud storage providers
Data analytics providers
Independent contractors
Marketing and affiliate partners
Communication services providers

Law enforcement agencies and other public authorities. We may use and disclose personal data to enforce our Terms of Use, to protect our rights, privacy, safety, or property, and/or that of our affiliates, you or others, and to respond to requests from courts, law enforcement agencies, regulatory agencies, and other public and government authorities, or in other cases provided for by law.


You may ask Company to disclose what personal data it has about you and what it does with that information, to delete your personal data, to direct Company not to sell or share your personal data, to correct inaccurate information that it has about you, and to limit Company’s use and disclosure of your sensitive personal information:
- Right to know: You can request that a Company discloses to you: (1) the categories and/or specific pieces of personal information it has collected about you, (2) the categories of sources for that personal information, (3) the purposes for which the Company uses that information, (4) the categories of third parties with whom the Company discloses the information, and (5) the categories of information that the Company sells or discloses to third parties. You can make a request to know up to twice a year, free of charge.
- Right to delete: You can request that Company delete personal information it collected from you and tell it service providers to do the same, subject to certain exceptions (such as if the business is legally required to keep the information). Company cannot delete Personal Information that it is under a legal obligation to maintain.
- Right to opt-out of sale or sharing: You may request that Company stop selling or sharing your personal information (“opt-out”), including via a user-enabled global privacy control. Company cannot sell or share your personal information after they receive your opt-out request unless you later authorize it to do so again.
- Right to correct: You may ask Company to correct inaccurate information that it has about you.
- Right to limit use and disclosure of sensitive personal information: You can direct Company to only use your sensitive personal information (for example, your social security number, financial account information, your precise geolocation data, or your genetic data) for limited purposes, such as providing you with the services you requested.

The aforementioned rights may be effective by contacting us at support@Protect 24/7.online

Protect 24/7 will not discriminate against You for exercising Your rights under this section of this Privacy Policy.


If we transfer your personal data to third party service providers, we will compel each third-party service provider to adopt necessary security measures for protection of your personal data according to the respective data protection agreement.


We will store your personal data for as long as it is reasonably necessary for achieving the purposes set forth in this Privacy Policy (including providing the Service to you), which includes (but is not limited to) the period during which you have an account with the App. We will also retain and use your personal data as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements


We have adopted technical and organizational measures to preserve and protect your personal data from unauthorized use or access and from being altered, lost or misused, taking into account the technological state of art, the features of the information stored and the risks to which information is exposed. Although we have exercised high levels of care in providing secure transmission of information between the Application and our servers and in storing that information on our systems, no method of transmission over the Internet, or of electronic storage, is 100% secure. As such, we cannot ensure or otherwise guarantee the security of information transmitted to us over the Internet


Provision of Protect 24/7 generally not aimed at children. The Protect 24/7 is not intended for use by children under the age of 18.

The Company is acting in compliance with COPPA. We do not knowingly collect information from children and minors. We encourage parents and legal guardians to monitor their children’s Internet usage and to help enforce our Privacy Policy by instructing their children to never provide information on our Website without their permission.

Our Website and Service is not directed to, nor do we knowingly collect personal data from children under the age of 18. If we obtain actual knowledge that we have collected personal data from a child, we will comply with industry guidelines and applicable laws and will promptly delete it, unless we are legally obligated to retain such data.

Application provides you, as a parent or legal guardian of a child or children under the age of 18, with the ability to collect and access tracked information through linked devices. For the avoidance of doubt, Application will not provide for your ability to collect and access the tracked information of any child (i) for whom you are not the legal guardian or (ii) who is 18 years of age or older, as more thoroughly explained in the Terms of Use governing the use of the Website and the Application.

You are solely responsible for the tracked information accessed by you or any third party you have permitted to use the Application and you agree to the Disclaimer of Warranties of the Terms of Use governing the use of the website Protect 24/7.online and the Protect 24/7 mobile application.


Target Device Data. In registering for the Protect 24/7 Account, the Protect 24/7 starts collecting data from a target device linked to the Account, which may include personal data relating to you, to a target device user(s) or to third parties (“User Data”, including information about a target device, websites and apps that are used, contacts, connections, messages and other communications, posted and received content, etc.). In accordance with applicable privacy law, to the extent that it applies to the Protect 24/7 Service, you appoint us as a Data Processor/Service Provider of such data for the purpose of providing Protect 24/7 Services.

Your use of Target Device Data. As Data Controller/Business, you warrant that you have the appropriate (lawful) authority to collect and process the Target Device Data and you agree to process and use the Target Device Data in accordance with this Privacy Policy, the Terms of Use and applicable law, and only for the explicit purposes of the Protect 24/7 Services. You will not submit to the Protect 24/7 Services any personal data relating to any individual that has not authorized such processing. Through the Services, you may also access a copy of the Target Device Data collected by us on your behalf. You will protect the confidentiality of any accessible Target Device Data and prevent access by or disclosure to any unauthorized third person. You will inform us within 24 hours about any problem arising in relation with management of your Account and/or Target Device Data. You will be responsible for any illegal use of other person’s data (personal or not) through the Service on a target device, including any use contrary to applicable data protection laws and/or in violation of this Privacy Policy.

Protect 24/7 Obligations. To the extent that we are Data Processor/Service Provider on your behalf, we shall (a) implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to safeguard any Target Device Data against any unauthorized or unlawful access, loss, destruction, theft, use or disclosure; (b) limit access to Target Device Data only to those employees who need to know it to enable the Data Processor/Service Provider to perform the Services; (c) only process the Target Device Data as specified by this Policy and in accordance with your instructions, and (d) will not use the Target Device Data for any purposes other than those related to the performance of the Services or pursuant to your written instructions. Upon the expiry or termination of this Agreement by way of de-registration, or upon your request, we will cease any and all use of the third-party Data and will destroy or return it to you except as provided above with respect to backed-up data and termination. We will not disclose Target Device Data to any third party without your prior written consent or pursuant to court or administrative order.

Warranties. You are solely responsible for use of the Account and the processing of personal data linked to your Account, which includes, among others, collecting, storing and analyzing personal data from a target device. We automatically use the configuration and the instructions given by you and you are solely responsible for the configuration of your Account.
You warrant, as the one responsible for Target Device Data that we process on your behalf as Data Processor/Service Provider, that (a) you are an owner of the Target Device, which used by your child or ward, and (b) you comply with all applicable legislation with respect to the monitoring and control software. You agree to fully comply with this Privacy Policy.

Indemnity. You agree to indemnify and keep us harmless from all claims, damages and losses we may suffer relating to or arising out of the processing of Target Device Data and other third-party personal data submitted to our systems during the course of use and provision of the Protect 24/7 Services.

We will not sell, rent or trade your Target Device Data personal information.
We will not disclose your Target Device Data personal information and downloaded information from target device(s) except as provided by “Legal Matters” above..


We may modify this Privacy Policy at any time and post any changes to the Privacy Policy on the Website, so please review it frequently. We indicate the date of the current version of this Privacy Policy above, so you know when it was last updated.

Changes to this Privacy Policy may not affect your personal data we have previously collected from you or after such changes.

If you object to the changes, please contact us as provided below.

This Privacy Policy is governed by and construed with the laws of Delaware, USA.

Any claim or dispute which might arise out of or in connection with this Privacy Policy shall be settled in accordance with provisions of ToU.


To contact us, please email [email protected]
Send mails to: Outlimit Inc; registered address: 3524 Silverside RD STE 35D, Wilmington, Delaware, USA, 19810; registered number: 7555338.